Using Trust To Build Your Business

Have you ever tried a product or service based on the word of a friend, colleague or family member? Many of us have, because we trust that person and are more likely to take their recommendation over someone we don’t know. This is the power of referrals. Ask your current customers if they have friends, family, or people they know that they think would love your service, then contact those people on behalf of them, offering your services/products.

This is a great way to get access to potential new customers, while also having a warm introduction – you’re not cold-calling (or emailing!) them, as you’re essentially being introduced by their trusted friend/family member (your current client).

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trust us

For example, say you have an ecommerce business where you sell natural beauty products. You could email out to your customers, asking them if they know anyone that would love your products as much as they do.  If so, ask them to pass on the email address of those people and explain you’ll not only offer their friend a free sample of your most popular product, but that they too will receive a bonus 15% off their next purchase online as a thank-you. When you email the new lead with your free sample offer, mention that their friend thought they’d like your products, which is why you’re emailing and would love to offer them this free sample as a gift.

So put the power of referrals to work for you and piggy-back on the trust that your customers have already built with their friends and family. Ask your customers if they know people they think would love your product/service, and if they’d be willing to pass their contact info on to you. Contact those people on their behalf and make them a special offer!

Are you after other great ways to reach new leads? Check out a demo of this software, which can help you build trust,  find new leads already interested in your niche.  Act Now for this special deal!  Web Fire

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

Adding Leads By Partnering With Other Businesses

Looking for new customers? Or a way to make a whole bunch more sales? If so. then Partnering might be for you. Think about finding businesses that you could partner with, that you don’t directly compete with, where you could offer value that will make you both a lot of money.

Think about the customers a business already has, and whether those same customers would be interested in your own product or service. Now, think of how you can make your offer a win-win for you and the other business. This is a great way to access a whole new database of potential clients for yourself, and give the business you’re partnering with an opportunity to upsell their current clients by offering them your service (for a cut of your fee).

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b2b Partnership

For example, if you sell homemade candles, reach out to boutiques to see if they’d be willing to sell your candles (even without them buying them first – just sharing in the sales).

Or if you sell a social media management or SEO service, reach out to web design firms that might not offer your services to their clients, but offer them a good chunk of the sales PLUS offer to do all the work, support, etc. for their customers AND let them market it as their own (a win-win for both).  Or if you’re a programmer or have a tool of your own, reach out to market leaders in your industry who might be able to sell a lot of your product and let them white label it (sell it as their own) for a good cut of the profits while you just maintain it and do support for it. One good deal here can be more than a full-time living or a good little business all by itself.

We’ve started six and seven figure businesses by making such deals, and it all starts with just reaching out when you know both sides can benefit.b2b partnership

So have a look for other businesses that you don’t directly compete with that you could partner with. Then look at how them selling your product can be a win-win, whether it’s a share in sales, fulfilling a need their clients have but they don’t offer (and allowing them to market the service as their own) or white labeling your product for their clients.

To find businesses for partnering, check out our business lead tool here: Macroleads

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

Using Contests For Finding Targeted Leads

Contests can be a great way to grab more leads or prospects, get feedback or testimonials from existing customers, encourage participation or attendance on webinars, and more. And, it’s not like you have to give away a car or something crazy expensive. In fact, often times cheaper giveaways will help increase your conversions even more (perhaps because they think they’ll have a better chance of winning?).

Domain Leads Pro

For instance, you can run an ad where you’re advertising a contest for a free drone that you’re selling. Anyone who enters you know is probably a potential prospect, as they’re interested in the drone that you sell. When you do that, you can immediately advertise a special deal you have on them, in case they don’t win, and want to get it right away. The benefit here is that you can get dirt cheap clicks and leads when advertising this way (on places like Facebook), all while building up a very targeted list (we’ve built up some big mailing lists and businesses this way at a fraction of the cost of what our competitors pay for ads).

You can also use contests as a way to build up your testimonials. Offer to enter customers into a contest when they submit any testimonials or feedback about your product. People love contests, which is why it can be a great way to get them to take action.

So consider using contests to get lots of cheap traffic and leads to check out your offers. Or, alternatively, use contests to encourage testimonials or feedback on your products.

For more help getting targeted leads, check out the WebFire tool here Web Fire.

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

Simple Tweaks Drastically Improve Your Sales.

Making huge gains in traffic on your website and social media accounts is excellent, but what matters the most is generating conversions. There is no use in spending a large amount of money on extensive marketing campaigns if no one is buying your product or services or signing up for your website.sales is everything

Many tweaks can drastically improve your sales. 5 of the most important ones are discussed below:

1. Make The Benefits Conspicuous.

All of the benefits offered by your products and services should be prominent on your website. The landing page and homepage are important in making these advantages known to potential customers immediately. Some examples of benefits your customers will love and should see might include free delivery, customer support, discounted offers, and giveaways on certain purchases. All the unique selling points of your business should be emphasized to convince the customers about the importance of what you have to offer, front and center on your website.

2. Use Credibility Markers

Using credibility markers can definitely be the tweak that you have been looking for. It can skyrocket your sales to unprecedented levels because the trust and experiences of previous customers are essential for the new potential customers.

Examples of credibility markers contain reviews and testimonials at a dedicated page on your site. Social media pages like Facebook understand this strategy and utilize it on their business pages. Facebook for example, has a specific review section for business pages they offer their users. Make sure you ask your happy customers to leave a fantastic review for you. You can also derive a huge advantage in improving your sales if you manage to get an influential personality in your business area to endorse your brand.

3. Call to Actions

The aim of your business and its site should be unambiguous to the audience to maximize the success of its aims. If for instance, you are building a lead generation page a professional contact or submission form should be prominent, easy to understand, and easy to use for visitors that may turn into customers.

If you have products available for sale they should also be easy to see and buy as well. Along with these devices you’ll need to craft a strong call to action to seal the deal.sales

4. An Efficient Conversion Process

The conversion process should be as easy as possible for potential customers.”Click here, buy this, fill out this easy form” you need to streamline the process for your customers, and to Improve your sales.

Many business owners overlook this strategy, but it is very simple to implement. The method of purchasing products and check-out should be modernized and streamlined to increase the sales of your business. Don’t ask your users for unnecessary information, try to make the buying process as fast as possible before they remove the order and change their minds.

5. Improve Your Website

The style, design, and structure of the website of your business should be captivating for your visitors. It should keep them engaged. An optimal website can be achieved by adding attractive content and making use of other tweaks like:

• Adding Images And Videos

A large portion of online visitors are more likely to watch a video than they are to read lengthy content. Hence, it is a good idea to add videos on your website and inform potential customers about your products, services, and qualities of the company via videos. Engaging and high-quality videos will keep the users hooked on the page of your business, and the chances of selling will increase.

• Faster Loading Times

Consider the fact that people have a very small attention span nowadays and are constantly clicking away and swiping on their phones. Your website needs fast loading times to make sure it is easily accessed by users, and that they don’t move on to other sites. It has a huge impact on conversion rates. Allocate a decent budget to site optimization to enjoy and Improve your sales.Increase Sales

Every business owner must keep in mind that the ultimate goal of tweaking the sales processes is to attract more customers and optimize the conversion rate. The whole process requires energy, time, and financial resources. You will have to keep testing new things to find out the best approaches and eliminate the ones that do not work for your company. With time fruitful impacts will begin to show in terms of sales and total revenue from your business.

All of this can be made easier by using a simple, optimal program that audits your business from the inside. BizFire’s Free Business Analyzer and Growth Tool, is a great way to save yourself the time and headache of working out these tweaks in your business on your own and Improve Your Sales.

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

Marketing to B2B Leads

One of the most important things to understand is that leads are far more than just random people who might be interested in your business. A lead is someone who needs what your business has to offer. The only thing you should have to do is capture their attention and easily be able to convince them that your products and services supply that 2 business

The generation of high quality leads is the most important part of business-to-business(B2B) marketing. Solid leads ensure steady growth and income. Some of the most important straategies you can consider are:

Creating and Publishing High-Quality Content Regular

All the techniques and strategies to promote your business and generate more leads boil down to the one thing that is most important in any online presence, the content. It’s true to say that content is the king in any regard. You must make sure that the material published on your webpage is high-quality, reliable, and engaging to your users.

High-quality content enhances the reliability and credibility of your business and further plays a huge role in expanding your customer base via better ranking on search engines. Make sure that your website is providing some insightful information to your visitors and is not dull in tone and writing style.

Regular and consistent content publication is also key in keeping customers engaged with your business and any of the latest updates associated with it. An informative, engaging, and entertaining piece of content will grab eyeballs and establish loyalty among customers.

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business 2 business

Develop Referral Programs

Research has shown that B2B companies with good referral programs have a 70% higher conversion rates and good sales as well. A satisfied customer will market your business to others via word of mouth. Referral programs are essential in the success of any business.

There are many ways of creating a good program. You can create referral codes that are easily customized and provide discounts to potential customers. It facilitates the marketing team of a company to determine the source of the majority of your leads and to learn how many of them are converting into loyal customers for your products or services.

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

Create an Optimized and Engaging Landing Page

The landing page of your business website must be able to captivate the users’ attention via proper design and be stylish. You have to set it apart from competitors, so consider viewing their landing pages first.
The page should be optimized according to the SEO standards. Moreover, it’s unnecessary to add all of your most generous offers and discounts on the landing page because research suggests that a grand, single offer is far more enticing to potential customers rather than overwhelming them numerous offers placed on the same page.

The goal of the business should be made crystal clear on the landing page. Your message about your products, services, and unique selling proposition should be unambiguous. The primary goal of an optimized landing page is to convert the users into leads, rather than conversions. Make the content exciting and engaging for the users and convince them of the importance and quality of your business.

Landing Page Forms

The forms used on a landing page should be clear, concise, and engaging, which makes it easier for potential leads to enter their information. In this way, you can create B2B leads and market your business successfully.

Marketing via Social Media for B2B Lead Generationmake money with social media

Social media has become an essential part of peoples’ lives around the world. Such heavy use of social media means your business has a good chance of attracting people from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

Company pages on LinkedIn are also perfect for lead generation with professionals and entrepreneurs. Linkedin is an ideal B2B marketing platform. Such professionals often search LinkedIn for products and services as well as employees. Your business standing out on LinkedIn, could be a major key to success.

Marketing through social media is also crucial because businesses can interact with potential customers directly and answer their queries instantly. As a result, users are more likely to take interest in your business, following any new updates about it through social media accounts.

Social media advertising doesn’t just work for consumer marketing models. Various platforms on social media, including Facebook, are becoming popular marketing tools for B2B leads.

Ads on these websites reach hundreds of thousands of people, sometimes more. They can be specifically targeted to a group of users based on their gender, age, and interests. As a result, many highly relevant leads can be generated this way.


Pay-per-click (PPC) is a highly efficient but expensive tool for marketing and lead generation. If your marketing is laser-focused on the target audience of your business, you are likely to generate plenty of leads via PPC. However, modern technology, like different ad blockers, can impede this process because it is also possible that some of your targeted users may not even view the ads if they are blocking them.SOCIAL MEDIA

Automated Programs

If you need help marketing your business and B2B lead generation, you might be interested in the Macroleads program for an easy way to generate successful B2B leads marketing. You can automate and streamline the process saving you time while simultaneous increasing the efficiency of your marketing.

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

Finding Domain Owners Around The Globe

How many of us wish we could find out the domain owner of a website, but we end up finding the host instead of the original owner? Sometimes we find nothing at all. A popular domain can be a precious treasure, but before you begin your hunt, you’ll need a clear purpose in mind. Work out the what and the why that surround your need for this domain, and then ask these two important questions:

1. Why do I need to find the domain owner?
2. What will I gain afterwards?

Before diving into the details of finding the domain owner of a website, lets found out the importance of the owners themselves.find domain owners

Why Find Out Who Owns A Domain Name?

There are numerous advantages to finding the domain owner. Some of them may include the following things to consider:

1. Hundreds of domains are sold on a daily basis. If you’re interested in buying an existing domain, finding the contact details of that domain owner is the first obvious step. Doing so will help you to get in touch to discuss the details and probability of a sale. You will be able to inquire about the domain sale in details directly from the source, the owner.

2. If you need a specific domain name for your site, but it is already used by someone else, you can contact the domain owner directly and make an offer for your domain purchase.

3. Domain age can also be calculated online. So before buying a domain, you can check the renewal period, and make a smart bid to the owner as you negotiate for a successful purchase.

4. Checking the owner of other domains can aid you with your own websites as well. When you look up the details of a domain like its age, links, and owner information, you can get a ton of information about these websites and compare them with your own. This presents the opportunity for great competitive analysis.

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

5. You want to sell your services or product to the domain owner.

If you need to, you can also ensure that your personal details are showing correctly on domain owner checkers online.

Finding The Domain OwnersDomain Leads Pro

Now coming to the primary purpose, there are numerous resources which can be helpful in finding domain name owners. Some of them are: is an excellent tool for finding domain owners. All you have to do is type the domain name in the search bar, and the owner details will be displayed to you. It is an excellent tool because even if you do not know the domain name, you can search the keywords. Once the domain is searched successfully, an extensive list of information is shown about the domain itself. This information includes the registrar of the domain, their email and contact details, domain status, date of creation, last date when the domain was updated, and the period of domain registration expiration.

All of this information is important. It will give you an idea of whether you should buy the domain on the basis of the creation and expiration date. For example, you might want to buy a domain that was created 20 years ago. If it’s going to expire the next year, there are minimal chances at best that the owner will sell it to you. Not only that, but you will need a considerable amount of money to buy such an old domain. provides sufficient information about the domain and its owner, but some other resources can give out more comprehensive information about domains you’re interested in.

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.


DomainTools is another great resource. The website has many of its own unique and special features along with those provided by WhoIs. Every detail about the domain given by is shown by the DomainTools as well. You can also see other information about the site structure itself like response code, the type of the server it uses, the number of pictures on the website, links and their types, and even its SEO score are all displayed.Buy Domain Leads Pro

This information is essential when you’re setting up a similar site to your competitor’s. You can check the details of your competitive websites online easily and plan your marketing strategies according to the information readily available to you. You can also analyze your own website quickly and easily and make any required changes for improvement.

What To Do After Finding The Domain Owner?

The answer to this question is subjective to your own requirements. What was your purpose of seeking out the domain owner in the first place?

If you want to buy the domain, you can contact the domain owner via formal email and ask him or her to sell their domain by making an appropriate bid. Another option you can use it hire a domain name broker to manage the negotiations and transfer process. Sedo and HostGator Domain Tool, are two of the many popular domain brokers.

If you want to sell your product or service to that domain owner (a lead) you can contact the owner directly with a detailed offer.

If you need more detailed information fast on domains and websites you might also want to consider Domain Lead Pro. This is one of many programs that can automate, simplify, and significantly hasten the process.

To see our system in action CLICK HERE.

How to Add Value and Position Your Price to Encourage Customers to Buy

One way to add value and highlight the great price you’re offering your customers is to point out when you are giving a discount or savings, as this lets customers know you’re giving them a great deal and lots of value. A discount also has a psychological effect – we feel we are getting a better deal and are more likely to buy. Seeing that an item is discounted not only is an incentive to buy it now, it can also encourage new users to buy that might otherwise have not considered it.

For example, when listing your price, you might write: “$97 — 50% Off Today!” This makes people feel they are getting a great deal, helps them justify the purchase to themselves and is more likely to push them over the line.Added Value

If you have several similar offers that are slightly better or more/less expensive than the other, instead of just listing off the benefits of each one next to their price, you can also not only list off the savings, but say “Good Deal,” “Better Deal,” and “Best Deal” next to each one (or “Most Savings” or something similar). Never assume that people will just do the math in their head and know which one is the best deal.

Think about how you can apply this to your business. Can you put a savings amount next to a price point (eg, “$97 — 50% Off Today!)? This makes customers feel they are getting a great deal and can encourage customers to buy that may not have bought before.

Are you after more tips to add value to your product? For more marketing tricks and strategies, check out this book here: 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!

Five Tips To Improve Your Sales

With the passage of time, consumers have become highly conscious of the marketing strategies being used by businesses all over. Most consumers are able to differentiate between an authentic business and one that is exaggerated and hyped through artificial marketing. As a result, people tend to spend their hard-earned earnings on very particular products and brands.

In such a highly competitive business environment, businesses face the difficulty of increasing their sales, or even worse, just to maintain a steady sales income. As a result, the capital of such companies starts dwindling within a few years, and it can lead to the catastrophic failure of their business model.

If you want to keep your head above those choppy waters, you need to keep in mind the following five marketing tips.
These tips should be adopted by all businesses to drastically improve their sales:

sales is everything

1. Identify The Market And The Problems.

Not enough can be said of the great importance in choosing an appropriate market for the kind of business you run. After you’ve established your business, it’s important to find out the problems your desired customers are facing in that particular market. Then you need to analyze those market problems in detail. Then you need to figure out exactly how your business solves that problem and sell that solution. Your business should emphasize developing modern, durable, and unique solutions to customers’ issues.

It should go without saying that the products and the services offered by your business must possess the highest of quality. However, offering premium quality is not enough. It absolutely must stand out from the crowd to really make the customer fall in love with your business.

2. Develop A Unique Selling Proposition

Your business must have some unique selling proposition (USP) to make it stand out from your competition. If you keep offering the same services and products as your competitors in the market, your business will have fewer chances of surviving in the fierce business conditions. You should research your competitive businesses and offer more advantages to your customers to keep them hooked to your company’s services.

Moreover, with the launch of different businesses on a daily basis, it has become difficult to establish a loyal customer base. A steady and continuous form of communication with your customers is important to keep your business and new products fresh in their minds. You should take feedback from your customers and adapt your workings and services according to their requirements.increase-Sales

3. Effective Social Media Marketing

As often stated in all marketing strategies, social media has become a an integral part of marketing for any kind of business. It is now considered to be the best tool of advertisement for companies because you can target specific markets, areas, and people via an active social media marketing campaign. Moreover, you can get better advertising for a fraction of the cost compared to other marketing techniques and advertising platforms.

Through social media platforms, you can form good relations with your potential and existing customers and keep them updated about your business and any new products. Social media can also be used to answer any queries of your customers quickly and get good reviews from your customers. Authentic and live comments from other customers will encourage the audience of your social media pages to avail your products or services, leading to drastically Improve Your Sales

Other advantages of social media include:

• It provides various channels for your business to sell your products. Many social media pages now provide you with the option of selling directly from your Facebook page to facilitate your social media consumers and increase sales.
• It is extremely cost-efficient to run a social media page and keep customers engaged and updated.
• Customer retention is improved via social media by keeping customers engaged and informed

4. Select An Appropriate Price

Selecting the right price for a product or a service can more difficult than expected for many. However, it is necessary to remember that the price you set should be affordable by your targeted customers. Market and audience research play a huge role in this case.Increase Sales

You can research your competitors ( and analyze the reasons behind the prices set by them. Try to set the price with minimum profits during the first few months of the business until it has found its footing in the Market. After you have established a loyal customer base, you can revise the charges appropriately according to market conditions.

5. Customer Retention

Targeting new customers should not be the only focus of the companies as retaining an old customer is also important to establish a loyal customer base and increase the sales quickly. There are many ways to target customer retention, for instance by connecting with your customers on social media or through blogging and email up to dates to keep them informed on updates and special offers. Many companies also retain customers by creating rewards programs that provide your most loyal customers with exclusive deals, and rewards them with special offers and discounts for shopping at your store.

If you want to Improve Your Sales, check out the 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years! for a detailed explanation of the marketing strategies.

How To Sell To Other Businesses

Business to marketing seems like a foreign language to many people who are trying it for the first time. The consumer markets seems so much plainer and easier, after all, we’re dealing with every day people. With businesses we feel we are dealing with some mysterious entity or some divine VIP, a thing whose persona is foreign to everything we knew in the every day human consciousness.

The reality that most people miss, and it’s a well-kept secret, businesses are people. They are decision makers, executives, highly paid company officers, and even midgrade managers. At the end of the day though, they are people, selling to other businesses is no different than selling to people, except that you have to consider the kind of person you’re selling to. Much of this involves trying to get into a person’s head. What does a business owner or manager need and/or want? What things will improve their lives, and more importantly, the operations of their business? Answering these questions is the first key to selling to other businesses.

business 2 business

1: Identify Your VIP

The first step in creating a strong pitch for your product and service is considering your VIP, there may be more than one to consider depending on how the decisions are made. You have to know who you’re selling to and then consider how your business can benefit them personally. As we discussed, you’re dealing with real people, and they taking their own needs and desires into consideration as well as their roles in serving the greater needs of the company. Is your contact a buyer, a manger, or a business owner?

Depending on who you’re speaking to, you’ll want to come with ideas and features about what you have to offer and how it makes their lives easy as well benefiting their employer.

2: Don’t Just Sell, Give Them Something They Can Use

Whoever your VIP may be, you can expect that someone has found them too, and they probably get multiple pitches a day for what you have to offer. A simple letter with a sales pitch is no longer enough to draw people in anymore. Because of this, you want to attach your sales pitch to something they can use. Many companies do this by offering white papers. White papers may be written as guides on important industry topics and trends, and may even highlight problems the industry is facing. This can be accompanied by a pitch explaining how you offer a solution. Either way the white papers are free and useful, so there’s no harm in reading.

Writing effective white papers isn’t easy, but it can be done.

3: Start With Value Over Price

When you’re making a pitch to any business, you may find yourselves in the middle of a bidding war. Too many entrepreneurs focus in only on their prices as a way to put their best foot forward. While pricing certainly is important, it’s far more vital to highlight the value your product has to offer. What can your product do that others can’t. Can it save the company time or money even while requiring an investment? Can it make life easier for managers or help improve employee morale and productivity?

When you’re making your bid don’t advertise that you are cheap. If anything this will raise red flags if it’s all you have to 2 business

4: Highlight The Business Benefits

Whether it’s in consumer to consumer or business to business marketing, even professionals have made this terrible mistake in copy-writing. Never just tell someone about the features of what you have to offer. Features are boring and no one wants to hear you list them all day long. They want to know how what you have to offer is going to solve a common problem. Just don’t tell them “My computers have a lot of RAM” but instead consider, “Are you tired of losing valuable company time and money waiting for your computers to load? With our CPUs high RAM capability your upload, download, and processing speeds will be through the roof. You’ll save time, money, and your business will be moving at lightning speed when processing your data!”

Benefits are everything. Nobody wants to know what you can do, everyone wants to know what you can do “For me”

5: Make it Easy To Act

Your call to action (CTA) is the grand finale of any pitch you write. It needs be dazzling and out of the park, but more importantly, it needs to be easy to act upon. Links in emails should be large, thought not obnoxious, and easy to see and click on, and MUST NOT BE BROKEN OR INACCURATE. Contact info should be prominent, accurate, and very visible. Like it or not, nobody likes a hassle. If your final pitch is hard to act on, even a little, or your lead finds it hard to get in touch you may lose your sale to someone else out of sheer convenience.

6: Gather Leads
This probably should have been the first step, but you need to gather solid prospective leads to sell to. It means nothing if you have the greatest product in the world and killer sales pitch to back it up, and no relevant people to sell it to. Gathering leads can be tricky, but made much easier by programs like Macroleads that help you organize, streamline, and automate the process to sell to other businesses.

Using Power Words To Become A Marketing Pro

How items are described and the words we use to frame situations can have a big impact on how we think about them. Just as saying, “I cut my finger, but there’s only a little blood” versus, “I cut my finger and there’s blood everywhere,” paint two very different pictures, the words you use to describe your pricing can make a big difference to your sales. Something as small as just putting the word “only” before your pricing can increase your sales and put you on course to becoming a marketing pro

For example, if your price point is $97, instead write “Only $97.” Psychologically, by putting “only” in front of the price, you are psychologically implying that you’re getting a great deal.

While it may seem small, little tweaks can have a big impact on conversions. How we “frame-up” and train our customers to think about our pricing can influence their buying decision. By using the word “only” before your price (eg, “Only $97” vs. “$97”) it psychologically implies the value you are getting is greater than the small amount you are paying.

When you’re ready to become a marketing pro and make more money in your business utilizing over 20 years of marketing strategies, tips and tricks, check out 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.