Find Out What Your Competitor is Doing

To Help You Improve Your Business

It’s time to check out the competition!!

In school it may have been called cheating, but in the business world it’s just good old-fashioned market research!
Find out where your competitors are advertising, spy on their sales funnels, and see how you can replicate any of their good ideas that appear to be working well. There are many online tools to find out what ads and keywords your competitors are using.

There’s also a couple of basic ways to see what your competitors are up to – follow them on social media and subscribe to their blogs and newsletters. If they have smaller priced items, you may choose to purchase one of their items to see what their purchase process is like, whether they offer upsells, what those are and what their follow up process is to a sale. See what they are doing really well and look for how you can replicate it or adapt it to your business.competition in business

For example, if you sign up to a competitor’s newsletter, you can see how they nurture a lead and turn it onto a sale. Is there anything you see in this process that is working well that you can adopt for your business?
Or you may purchase a small item from them and find they are offering a great upsell – is that something you could do?

A simple trick you can do to spy on other offers is to check ads on other sites or on social media like Facebook and just see how many views, comments, likes, etc. they’re getting. If there’s a ton of comments, for instance, it’s likely something you want to look at and see what you could replicate or do better. You don’t have to always start from scratch or re-invent the wheel.

In fact, several of our businesses we originally got the idea from after seeing other ads with lots of views and comments on them, and then checking out exactly what they sold, what their upsells were, where else they advertised, etc.. And then we’d research to try to find out if there were other similar offers and what they looked like.

Often times we would find ways of offering a better front-end product (they wouldn’t even have to be the same type – just something in the same niche or appealing to the same crowds), more or better upsells, better ad copy, different ad sources, etc..competition in business

Sure, we’ve also started new offerings not based on anything else other than a random idea we had, but those always seemed to be more risky and more likely to fail from the start. Starting off with a model that seems to at least be working in one way or another is always a good idea! That’s not to say that you have to copy everything exactly as is, but by spying on what others are successfully doing and seeing what you can learn or mimic from them, you set yourself up to succeed far more easily.

So find out where and how your competitors are advertising and what their sales funnels are. Then look at what they are doing well and see how you can replicate this for your business.

For more insights on how to nurture leads and improve your sales funnel, check out this tool here: BizFire’s Free Funnel Maker & Analyzer

How to Access A Whole New Set of Leads By Partnering With Other Businesses

Looking for new customers? Or a way to make a whole bunch more sales? You’re going to love this strategy then! Think about other business that you could partner with, that you don’t directly compete with, where you could offer value that will make you both a lot of money. Think about the customers a business already has, and whether those same customers would be interested in your own product or service. Now, think of how you can make your offer a win-win for you and the other business. This is a great way to access a whole new database of potential clients for yourself, and give the business you’re partnering with an opportunity to upsell their current clients by offering them your service (for a cut of your fee).

For example, if you sell homemade candles, reach out to boutiques to see if they’d be willing to sell your candles (even without them buying them first – just sharing in the sales). Or if you sell a social media management or SEO service, reach out to web design firms that might not offer your services to their clients, but offer them a good chunk of the sales PLUS offer to do all the work, support, etc. for their customers AND let them market it as their own (a win-win for both). Business partnering

Or if you’re a programmer or have a tool of your own, reach out to market leaders in your industry who might be able to sell a lot of your product and let them white label it (sell it as their own) for a good cut of the profits while you just maintain it and do support for it. One good deal here can be more than a full-time living or a good little business all by itself.

We’ve started six and seven figure businesses by making such deals, and it all starts with just reaching out when you know both sides can benefit.

So have a look for other businesses that you don’t directly compete with that you could partner with. Then look at how them selling your product can be a win-win, whether it’s a share in sales, fulfilling a need their clients have but they don’t offer (and allowing them to market the service as their own) or white labeling your product for their clients.

To find businesses to partner with, check out our business lead tool here: Macroleads

How to Increase Your Profits

Offering Upsells increases the probability of selling to existing customers

Looking for a way to capitalize on the value each customer is worth to you? An easy way to do this is by offering different upsells. Upselling is offering a complimentary or upgraded version of a product/service that a customer is currently purchasing. One of the most well known upsells can be heard when you head into your local fast food joint: “Would you like fries with that?” Even not so great upsells can add a quick 33% or more to your revenue stream.  Some really good upsells or funnels can even double your initial sales or more! An upsell is a great way to increase the total value of a sale.

For example, if you run a dance school, and each class is $15, you could provide a number of upsells. You could offer 3 different upsells, of varying amounts:
Upsell 1 – 4 week course for $50
Upsell 2 – Gold Membership where for $120 a month you can attend as many classes as you like.
Upsell 3 – Pro dance package for $200 a month, which allows you to attend unlimited classes and receive 2 private classes a month. 

A good upsell path, often referred to as a funnel, can make or break a business. One model that we’ve used over the years is to offer a crazy deal on the front-end (a low priced, deeply discounted offer or a free plus shipping and handling offer) while having several upsells ranging from continuity offers to high end offers.

The money is made in the upsells – not on the front-end – in this case. We’ve started multiple seven figure businesses this way over the years, and the model is easily repeatable in almost any niche, but it wouldn’t be possible without a great upsell path.

But it’s important to note that you don’t have to build a business around an upsell path like we did (although that certainly can work). Just adding one or two upsells to your existing offer can greatly increase your earnings with minimal effort.

For instance, we helped another business owner once with a new offer that he was about to launch. We encouraged him to add at least one upsell to it, but since he was behind on his launch schedule, he was very hesitant and didn’t feel he had enough time to do so. So we said to just create a simple offer based on something he already sells, shoot a quick video on his iPhone, and throw it up on a page to see what happened.

The quality of his video sucked, he looked like he was on zero sleep (or high…), yet when he launched his new offer, the upsell made quite a few sales! In fact, the upsell actually MADE MORE MONEY than the front-end offer itself. It was responsible for about two-thirds of the total money made. That means that if he didn’t follow our advice, his launch would’ve been a third the size that it was (costing him tens of thousands of dollars just in those few days).

Upsells don’t have to be perfect, but you need to have them!profit margin

So consider offering a range of differently priced upsells to your customers to increase the total of each sale. Your upsell could be a complimentary or additional option on the offer your customer is already purchasing. Remember, include at least one upsell!

For more great upsell ideas and strategies to grow your business through improving your sales funnel, check out his awesome tool: BizFire’s Free Funnel Maker & Analyzer

Pricing Strategies to Increase Your Sales

How can you price your product in a way that psychologically impacts your customer into believing they’re getting a great deal? When people see the difference, between your normal price and your sales price, it influences their decision to purchase. By having a “normal” price listed it creates the impression that the deal they are getting is awesome. They’re getting all this value at a price that is way less than “normal”. People love to believe they are getting a bargain and by listing both your normal and sale price side by side, it highlights the value they’re getting for their money.pricing strategies

For example, when you list your pricing, write it as, “Normally $197 — Only $97 Today!”

You can also come up with reasons to have such discounts listed. These reasons can be mentioned next to the discounted price as well. These could be things like a holiday special, inventory closeout, end of year special pricing, manager’s special, etc.. Any reason works and makes it seem like a legitimate deal that customers have to take advantage of.

Remember, people love a bargain. So create the perception of a great deal by listing your “normal” price next to your sales price (eg, “Normally $197 — Only $97 Today!”). Also consider names for special deals just to have a reason for that deal (like a holiday discount or manager’s special).

For more great pricing strategies, as well as little-known marketing tricks, check out this book: 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

Showing Value and Positioning Your Price to Encourage Customers to Buy

One way to show value and highlight the great price you’re offering your customers is to point out when you are giving a discount or savings, as this lets customers know you’re giving them a great deal and lots of value. A discount also has a psychological effect – we feel we are getting a better deal and are more likely to buy. Seeing that an item is discounted not only is an incentive to buy it now, it can also encourage new users to buy that might otherwise have not considered it.

For example, when listing your price, you might write: “$97 — 50% Off Today!” This makes people feel they are getting a great deal, helps them justify the purchase to themselves and is more likely to push them over the line.value customers

If you have several similar offers that are slightly better or more/less expensive than the other, instead of just listing off the benefits of each one next to their price, you can also not only list off the savings, but say “Good Deal,” “Better Deal,” and “Best Deal” next to each one (or “Most Savings” or something similar). Never assume that people will just do the math in their head and know which one is the best deal.

Think about how you can apply this to your business. Can you put a savings amount next to a price point (eg, “$97 — 50% Off Today!)? This makes customers feel they are getting a great deal and can encourage customers to buy that may not have bought before.

After more tips to show customers the value of your product? For more marketing tricks and strategies, check out this book here: 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!

Go From Having Customers Balk at Your Price to Begging to Buy

How items are described and the words we use to frame situations can have a big impact on how we then think about a scenario. Just as saying, “I cut my finger, but there’s only a little blood” versus, “I cut my finger and there’s blood everywhere,” paint two very different pictures, the words you use to describe your pricing can make a big difference to your sales. Something as small as just putting the word “only” before your pricing can increase your sales.angry customer

For example, if your price point is $97, instead write “Only $97.” Psychologically, by putting “only” in front of the price, you are making little of the price, implying that it isn’t that big, and is a good deal.

While it may seem small, little tweaks can have a big impact on conversions. How we “frame-up” and train our customers to think about our pricing can influence their buying decision. By using the word “only” before your price (eg, “Only $97” vs. “$97”) it psychologically implies the value you are getting is greater than the small amount you are paying.

For more tips and tricks on increasing sales, marketing strategies and ways to make more money in your business, check out this book 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

Using a Sense of Urgency to Increase Your Sales

A sense of urgency can be a great motivator, both in encouraging a sale and in life. To use urgency in business, look at offering limited time deals, especially ones that don’t last more than a few days tops.  And if you have an e-mail list, mail them a lot more on the final day with reminders to the deadline.  You’ll often get most of your sales on the final day! Countdown timers can be another great way to emphasize this.  The idea is similar to furniture stores that seem to always have sales that end on the weekend… even though we all know they’ll probably have another sale in a week or two, we’re more likely to buy now if we think there’s a sale on it now vs. later.  People like to procrastinate, so limited time deals can get them off their butt to take action.urgency

For example, if you run a gym, you may run a sale on gym membership, where if they sign up over the next 3 days they receive a discount on the total price, or X amount of personal training sessions as a bonus. The time limit creates a sense of urgency, encouraging people to buy that may have sat on the fence or procrastinated otherwise.

One huge marketing tip that we’ve perfected over the years, which has made us a lot of money, is a limited time deal method that we call the 3 Day Money Maker or the 1, 2, 3 Limited Time Offer. It can especially work well if you have an e-mail list and can e-mail them about the special offer.

Here’s how it works. You setup a special offer (ideally either a big discount like 50% or a big bonus to include with it) that only lasts for three days. We typically either start this on a Thursday or Friday and have it end over the weekend on midnight (either Saturday or Sunday night). On the first day, you only e-mail your list once to announce the special deal, provide them with a link to the sales page to buy it, etc.. You then tell them that the deal ends on midnight on X Day (three days from then). You typically will get some initial sales then, but not necessarily a ton. Then on the second day, you send them one e-mail in the morning and one e-mail later in the afternoon or evening. You likely will get few if any sales then, but that’s okay. The third day is where the real magic happens. On the third day, which is the final day of the sale, you e-mail them once in the morning, once in the mid to late afternoon, and once in the late evening. Your subject lines should increase the sense of urgency with lines like “Final Chance – 50% Off Deal Ends Today” and “Only Hours Left to Save 50%” or “Final Warning – Deal Ends in a Couple Hours” (they don’t have to be exactly that, but you get the general idea of making it seem urgent).sense of urgency

The final day, especially the final hour or two, will get A LOT of sales typically, especially in the final minutes of the special offer. In fact, we’ve found that if you leave the offer up until the morning, you can get several sales in the wee hours of the morning that think they gamed you by getting the deal just after it technically was meant to close. Using this method properly exactly as we laid out can make some businesses more money over a few days than they might make in several weeks or more!

Think about how you can create a time sensitive deal where people only have a limited time to take you up on it. The sense of urgency encourages people to buy. If you have an email list, constantly remind people of the deadline, as often the most sales will happen in the last day near the end.

For other cool strategies and tricks to increase your business, check out this book full of marketing and sales tips 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

A Simple Trick to Increase Your Conversions

There’s many strategies to increase conversions, but have you tried this one? Try ending your prices with a 7, .95, 5 or .95. Instead of charging $10, for instance, consider charging $9.97. Even though it’s only a few cents less, people seem to think that it sounds cheaper. Even on high priced items the same tricks can work. For instance, you’ve probably never seen a car advertised for $30,000. Instead, you’ll see it advertised for something like $29,995.

Amazingly enough, on that last example, some people will walk away thinking that the car is $29,000 in their head (even though they’re smart enough to know that it’s obviously $30,000).sales conversions

In the past many marketers have used 9 or .99 to end the numbers in, but it seems that there’s been a growing trend lately that 7, .97, 5, or .95 seem to stand out even more and appear even less expensive. Crazy stuff, but it can definitely work. And it’s doubtful that you’ll miss those few cents after increasing your conversions.

So, consider adjusting your price points to end in 7, .97, 5, or .95 to make your prices seem cheaper and see how it helps increase conversions.

Looking for more tips and tricks to help increase your conversations? This tool shows you easy strategies to grow your conversation rate and help boost your business: BizFire’s Free Funnel Maker & Analyzer.

Charge More Money and Still Have Customers Lining Up to Buy From You?

So how can you charge more for your services? How can you increase your price tag and still have customers lining up to buy from you? One easy way is to change your offer from a simple product/service to a done-for-you offer. What does this mean? Check out this example below.rabid fan

Say, instead of charging $5 to write an article, you instead charge $497 to $997+ to write five articles, create a blog, post the articles up, optimize it for their keywords, and have a custom graphic or two. If you were to outsource a $5 article for $3, the first example only gives you a $2 profit, or if you were to write it yourself, you’d be trading $5 for 30 minutes, at best, of your time ($10 an hour on the higher end if you’re super fast).  However, if you were to offer the second, more premium example, you could outsource the articles for $15, allocate $10 for some custom graphics on, and put in $25 to $50 to outsource the custom blog with SEO ( blogs, for instance, can be made in a matter of minutes).  That’s a raw cost of $50 to $100 for a $400 to $950 profit. Or, if you were to do the work mostly yourself, you’d be talking about maybe 3 to 5 hours of work, easily putting you in the range of earning $100 to $200+ per hour compared to $10 per hour just selling a $5 article.

So, see what you can add to your offer, or bundle it with, to make it a more premium offer. Or, look at how you can make your offer more “done-for-you.” and price your offer respectively. The kicker is that more people like to buy a premium offer than a basic offer, as it’s more appealing and more “done-for-you” than just an item that they’d have to do all the rest of the work on themselves.  And less people offer premium services/offers, so you’re competing against less.

This doesn’t just apply to services either, as the same can be done for almost any kind of product out there. For instance, instead of just selling a book on how to lose weight, you could also sell a product or program that gives them daily exercises either through e-mail, a mobile app, software, etc.. So instead of someone just reading how to lose weight, you can make it more easy and “done for you” by literally giving them a way where they simply have to follow the daily tip. Or instead of selling a 50¢ apple at a gas station, one could sell a pre-sliced apple with caramel dipping sauce ready to go for $4+ (even though the raw cost is only a tinge more than the standard apple).

One great example we’ve done is instead of selling a course on how to rank on search engines and get traffic, which would be a challenge to sell even in the $25 to $50 range, we created software that helps do a lot of those tasks for people. And instead of having a challenge of selling a course for $25 to $50, we can charge $997 / year to $2,997 / year much more easily. We’re able to do that because it’s more “done for you” and involves far less time for the end user.

A similar example outside of software was with a real estate investing instructor that we know of who at one point sold several courses on how to invest in real estate. Most of these courses originally were on the lower end of the price point, but she was able to turn those “books” into “webinar trainings” and online courses and charge closer to $997 on up, but she didn’t stop there. She was able to partner with one of us to create software that helped do what she was teaching and sold it for around $4,000 a pop. But she still didn’t stop there. She then took all her teachings and tools and basically made an offer that would be as hands free as possible for the user.rabid_fans

That was accomplished by setting up an offer where you’d be able to purchase a $25,000 package where you’d get on a bus with others, tour dozens and dozens of homes in a day that they already did the math on and knew were awesome deals, and then be able to make offers on the spot with bankers, agents, mortgage brokers, etc. all right there with you in one place. Granted, this wasn’t for the average mom and pop investor, but for some big investors, including overseas ones looking to take advantage of the U.S. market at the time, this was an opportunity to jump into it as hands free as possible. And they were willing to pay for it.

An interesting twist on making any offer more premium or done for you is that it doesn’t have to always start with your own product or service! You can find existing service providers or products out there, see how you can make them better / more “done for you,” and then try to either form a partnership with them or just use the outsourced provider to fulfill the work for a service. A few simple tweaks to their package / offer and sales pitch can turn a $5 offer into a $500 or even a $5,000 one without even having the need to make your own offer from scratch!

Now start looking at how you can apply this to your business. How can you make your offer a premium or “done-for-you” offer by adding more things to your service or bundling your products together to give more value? This then allows you to increase your prices substantially, your premium pricing reflecting your premium product.

Now you have ideas for a premium product, need help getting leads to sell this to? For help with how to get leads to promote your product or service to, check out this cool tool: Domain Lead Pro.

How to Increase Your Prices and Boost Your Business’s Profits

People often overlook this very simple, very easy way to increase their business’s profits: increase your prices. Most people tend to undercharge for their services, so try increasing your prices, as a test, and see what happens. Funnily enough, most people perceive something that is higher priced as being of higher quality, which can encourage people to buy your product or service. As you increase your prices, you’re also receiving more per sale, increasing your profit margin. Take this strategy a step further and target higher value clients.

For example, if you run a business coaching company, and you currently charge $200 an hour for your time, increase your rates to $1000.

Increase business ProfitsWith the perceived higher quality and value in your coaching, target businesses that make a lot of money vs. those that are barely getting by. In this example, one client would be worth 5 of your clients in the past. Not only have you raised your hourly rate, but you’ve decreased the amount of work you need to do to earn the same amount of money.

An interesting example we’ve had before is when we’ve sold courses or software for $7 vs. $497 vs. $997+. Although the $7 price gets the most conversions, the $997 price would almost always make tons more money. You just have to make sure you do a good job of showing the value!

So test out this simple tip and try increasing your prices and targeting customers who have more money to spend on your product/service.

For more easy ways to grow your profits and increase your sales check out this book: 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

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